Food is life, food is love

Our best raw materials for food, health food and nutritional supplements

Health and well-being are becoming increasingly important factors in the production of food. This increases the demands placed on producers – where the right choice of ingredients makes all the difference.

Taste, texture, flavour, consistency, enrichment with valuable additives and shelf life are what count when it comes to food. With our range of high-quality raw materials from leading suppliers and our keen eye for new trends, we help our customers in the food industry to stay one step ahead with their recipes for food and beverage production.

A conscious diet is an important building block for a healthy life. Our product range for producers of food supplements and health food includes amino acids, extracts, functional ingredients, minerals, proteins and vitamins.

You can count on us: our team of experts will support you in your search for just the right ingredient for your formulation that will satisfy your customers.

Your Contact

Jochen Panzer

Tel: +49 2241 2656618